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Blog #16

Throughout this semester in ENG 110 I have learned what revision strategies work best for me. My favorite active reading strategy is annotating and marking up the text as I go. This makes it easier when I go back to the text to remember how I felt about what the piece was saying as well as know what was being said where in the text. My favorite brainstorming strategy is to write out all of my claim sentences / claim sentence ideas after reading the prompt. This allows me to get my thoughts out and as I go to draft I can pick and choose the ones that are the strongest. My favorite drafting strategy is outlining. I can’t write a paper without outlining first. An outline gives me something to follow and a direction to go in. My favorite revision strategy is a bit unique I feel. I like to print a hard copy of my paper. In one colored pen I write my peers edits. In another colored pen I write my professors edits. In a third colored pen I write in my own edits or any final edits I believe my paper needs. I find this helpful because I gives me a direction and a place to start in the editing process. I have found these strategies useful when I am writing or reading papers for other classes. I feel as though these strategies have helped me to become a better writer, which is a skill I will be using for the rest of my life.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I loved reading about your strategies! It’s super cool that you are utilizing the power of color to help you navigate the sometimes daunting revision process. Those “customized” strategies are often the most powerful! Keep up the wonderful work!


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